Updates to Landry’s Work on Metaphysics

Ronin Institute Research Scholar Forrest Landry‘s essays on Analytic Metaphysics are available at http://uvsm.com. Recently, Forrest has updated some of those essays, converting them to dialog form. Details follow, but Forrest notes that he welcomes comment particularly on the new dialog on the Incommensuration Theorem. So, those of you with an Analytic and/or Metaphysical mindset, have at it!


This is basically the essay, rewritten in dialog form, of a means by which the Axiom Concepts can be arrived at.


This is almost an exact copy of the relevant section of the 2.0 book, converted into web format, so that if you need to refer or cite to someone just (and only) the formal statement of the Axioms, that there is some place on the web where this is easy to read (even on a mobile phone).


This is an almost completely reworked and re-sequenced view of the main aphorism content of the IM 2.0 book, with an emphasis on just either defining or including the base language generally used in various ways in other IM essays, content, etc.  Think of this section as being a fairly minimal and compact Glossary of all of the important IM terms.


The essay of the Incommensuration Theorem (ICT) has been completely re-written as a dialog and is presented freshly completed today.  The dialog covers a number of important topics, and connects them together in a fairly compact and independent manner.  This dialog, at this point, represents probably one of the most useful ‘deep theory results’ to perhaps be offering as a presentation to use on general interest items such as QM/GR reconciliation failure, the hard problem, generalization of Bell/Godel, etc.


Also converted into mobile web presentable dialog format is a basic statement of language correspondence between the modality terms as formally used, and their occurrence within more general public usage.  Technically this is part of the core Glossary.


This URL is being included for completeness, insofar as it is also version 3 content — things edited or updated since the release of the 2.0 manuscript.  Even though it was not written or updated recently, insofar as it defines an important reconciliation of how/why the Axiom II flow dynamics are so composed.  Be advised that this represents some of the most abstract and complex work on the site — not an easy read.

This post is a perspective of the author, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Ronin Institute.

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