Luis Maria Vaschetto

Luis Maria Vaschetto
Research Scholar
Epigenetics in Higher Organisms
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After completing his Bachelor of Science in Genetics in 2011, Luis continued his studies to complete his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences in March 2016.

During his Ph.D., Luis explored how the last glaciations might have affected the population genetic structure of Geraecormobious Sylvarum (Opiliones-Arachnida), a subtropical harvestman inhabiting the Parana Forest and the Yungas Forest, two completely disjunct areas in northern Argentina.

After his Ph.D., Luis was a Research Associate at South Dakota State University (USA), where he investigated epigenetic mechanisms involved in seed dormancy of weedy rice.

Luis is an autodidact who is always willing to learn more about epigenetic pathways that challenge Mendel's laws of inheritance. He exploited this by analyzing fascinating biological phenomena such as transposon silencing, genomic imprinting, paramutation, and transgenerational inheritance. Over the last few years, he has investigated how different epigenetic mechanisms could act to shape the development of crop plants and animals, as well as their roles in human health and disease states.

Luis has also explored how evolutionarily conserved RNA activation (RNAa) mechanisms, which show interesting parallelisms with the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, can be used in molecular biology labs to activate the expression of endogenous genes.